Monday, April 4, 2011


I thought it's Thursday but then reality slaps me on the face real hard and it's only Monday.
That means 4 more busy working days before it reaches the weekends :(

I'm looking forward this Thursday to hang out with my lovely cousins. They are coming back from Singapore this Wednesday :D
Shopping and camwhoring time babe!!!!


Another good news from me is that I'm going to have a company trip to Bintulu and Miri next Friday.
I'm just going to have a day work next Monday and then Tuesday to Thursday will be busy in MMU entertaining those 'people' for the interview thingy.

I haven't read a single thing at all on Land Law 1 and 2. Don't come and tell me your future lays on my shoulder. I'll bitch slap all of you. Pffftt!!!

Anyway I'm getting a 3 days off from work next week which is a good thing also :) but then need to face the interview which kinda creeps me out :(

It's sad to say this but I think I miss my Uni life. Working life is really lifeless. gosh!
But I'm sure once I got back to Uni life, I'll start complaining about exams and assignments. lol.


I'm looking forward for my vacation so much.
Hopefully it can helps me to forget everything that are supposed to be forgotten.
Till then.

Gotta get back to work ;)


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