Thursday, September 18, 2014

#260814 Raya Celebration

What is Raya without food?

My colleagues decided to cook for the entire office during the last day of syawal.
Closing ceremony they said.

My job was to EAT ONLY :D

Our delicious menu for the day.

We invited only a few and selected people to attend our mini party in the office.

 Ferol - the abang that always pick our documents for courier service

 Elashny our ex attachment student. 
How sweet of her to bake us a chocolate cake. Sedap!

 Practicing to be a good papa.

 Friends from Public Bank.

 K.Hawe is our new attachment student :P

 Thanks Kak Syikin for the lovely sponge cake.

A group picture to end my post.
Credits to Hawe.


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